Pediatric CPR

Chest Compressions

Cardiac arrest clinical manifestations:

Apnea, unresponsiveness, lack of response to verbal or physical stimuli

Pediatric Airway Obstruction

View full protocol for both upper and lower airway obstruction flowsheets.

View Full Protocol

Upper Airway Obstruction

Abdominal Thrusts (over one year old)

  1. Clinical manifestations:
    1. Barking cough, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor
    2. Ingestion, gasping, sudden onset of symptoms, drooling
    3. No spontaneous coughing, absent lung sounds
    4. Angioedema, urticaria rash
  2. The patient may have ingested foreign body, had an exposure to an allergen, or have an infection.

Please see for immediate care interventions: Protocol

Lower Airway Obstruction


  1. Clinical manifestations:
    1. Child is unable to feed well or speak more than 1-2 words at a time; grunting
    2. High-pitched wheezing
    3. Severe, multiple retractions; tachypnea
    4. Persistent coughing
    5. Increased respiratory effort
    6. Post-tussive emesis/rhinorrhea/thick sputum

Please see for immediate care interventions: Protocol


Please take some time to fill out our post-training survey to help us guage the efficacy of our quality improvement project and identify areas that need improvement in the future.

UCI Sue & Bill Gross
School of Nursing

Berk Hall

802 West Peltason

Irvine CA 92612


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